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Stress in relationships: pursuing emotional wellbeing


It may feel like your relationship is exhausting_ awful right?  Sometimes driving you towards the quickest way out. 

Do you know what is causing it all? Perhaps you’re seeking for a clear way to overcome all this stress that is piling up and suffocating you to the core.

Here, let’s put some direction by looking at the origins of stress in a relationship and how to improve our wellbeing.

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Causes of stress in a relationship

There’s not a single couple that can deny ever experiencing any stressful situation. This can only mean that stress in a relationship does not come from one source. 

Here are some unsettling sources of stress:

  • Major life changes

A new job with its demands, promotion at work, experience of becoming new parents, moving houses, name it all. All of these can cause a great multitude of stress.

  • Financial challenges

If the money you can count at the moment does not correlate to the big plans you intend to use it for, then surely stress is something you’ve tasted first hand. Certainly, feeling like your path has been blocked and you cannot find a way around it.

  • Work-related situations

Work is an independent stressor in itself. It can actually be demanding in terms of time and dedication, in the end leaving you torn apart. You must balance between the two most demanding things _ work and the relationship. 

Extending worktime is an encroachment on the would-be quality time spent with your partner.

  • Problems with family

Commonly, feelings that your partner’s family doesn't appreciate you enough can spark off stressful emotions. Not being able to meet their expectations may worsen it.

  • Loss of trust

This can be caused by previous experiences in the relationship. Situations like one partner getting involved in a cheating scandal can break trust to unmendable levels.

One partner stressed by the anticipation of a similar occurrence in the future with the culprit leaving in fear of never being entirely forgiven.

  • Sexual dissatisfaction

A decline in sexual intimacy or its quality generally causes unimaginable stress for both parties.

First, the burden of carrying the blame and then worrying that their partner might be considering satisfying alternatives.

Understanding what emotional health is

Sometimes emotions can mean to fluctuate; up, down and all over the place leaving you in a difficult place.

Your own ability to understand your emotions, and handling them in such a way that you can cope with life’s stress can show what level of emotional health you stand at.

Only if you are emotionally well can you start and maintain good relations with others.

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Enhancing emotional health and wellbeing

  • Exercising regularly

Taking on moderate-intensity physical exercises and making them a part of your daily routine not only gives you an admirable body physically, but also keeps you stress-free and your mind calm.

  • Utilising a good social support

In a world full of so much for you to handle on your own, it’s safe to find a confidant to share some of these with.

You might feel even better than what you think, if you openly speak about the things that put you down.

  • Enjoying some personal time

Considering incorporating some calming activities into your routine, particularly meditation, has a calming effect on your mind.

Choosing to spend some time alone allows you to reflect on personal choices and prospects. 

Alternatively, taking on relaxing adventures for example a short vacation to a destination of your fantasy helps to relieve accumulated stress leaving you refreshed and happier.

  • Prioritising good quality sleep

Awakening from a good night’s sleep ranks high among the most satisfying feelings. It’s even better with sweet dreams involved.

Sleep is a way to close off your day’s stress allowing your brain to refresh and keep you alert for the next target on your list.

While you may be struggling with sleep, constantly taking on lead-roles in night mares and thinking it is a sure no for you, consider trying out some natural supplements for better sleep in the coming days.

Melatonin enriched supplements are effective and safe if you might worry.

  • Healthy dieting 

There is nothing that can beat a nutritious diet when it comes to keeping a healthy lifestyle. This serves to improve your mood and focus in the course of your day.

You might as well consider supplementing your diet with natural ingredients to drive away stress.

From regularly taking tea, to using herbs like Ashwagandha, lemon grass, lavender, you’ll be able to live a satisfying stress-free life that will be reflected in your relationship.

Afterall, only a happy person can make others happy.





Dealing with relationship stress starts with bettering yourself which mainly consists of holistic self-care integrated with use of natural supplements to get rid of the stress in a trusted way. 

Happy people make happy relationships!


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